8 New (and New-ish) Broadway Shows You’ll Want to See This Summer

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You hear it all the time from people who don’t live around here, “You live so close to the city, you must go to Broadway shows all the time!” and sure some of us do, but for most of us, shows are expensive and hard to schedule in between the kids’ activities and y’know school and stuff. But it’s almost summer! And there are tons of new shows hitting the Great White Way. So pick one (or two) and plan dinner and a Broadway show this summer for your family. Don’t forget to check out Broadway Roulette or Today Tix for discounted tickets. Who knows? You save enough, you might even make it to two shows this summer!


First, we eat! Your seatmates will not be thrilled if your stomach is growling so loud they can’t hear the actors, so before you head to your show, stop off at the brand new Gayle’s Broadway Rose. A cross between Black Tap and Ellen’s Stardust Diner, you’ll get the amazing milkshakes AND a show tune or three from the cast of talented vocalists who make up the staff of singing servers. Gayle’s Broadway Rose also takes reservations – a plus when you need to make your showtime. 


Now, for the tough part. Which show are you going to see?



That’s right. It’s showtime! Beetlejuice has officially opened on Broadway. So join Lydia Deetz and her resident spirit friends in this “jaw dropping fun house” of an “irreverent, funny roller coaster ride to hell and back”. 



We’ve heard from a few Broadway regulars that this is one of the best shows they’ve seen in recent years. So go see it. Because you totally remember how much you loved the movie. And for those who are too young to remember the movie, it’s the story of a down-on-his-luck actor who decides to masquerade as a woman to get a roll on a soap opera. As you can imagine, hilarity ensues.


Moulin Rouge

Baz Luhrmann’s story of the love triangle between Satine, a performer at the Moulin Rouge, Christian, the writer who loves her and whom she loves, and The Duke, the powerful man who has demanded that Satine be his comes to the stage this summer. Previews begin June 28thand the show officially opens July 25th. Early word on the street is that this show could be the blockbuster of the season. 




Starring Bergen County’s own Ali Stroker as Ado Annie and fresh from her groundbreaking run in Spring Awakening last year, this update of Oklahoma has been a smashing success and you can bet tickets will be even harder to come by after the Tony awards. Go see it and leave humming Stroker’s show stopping number, “I Cain’t Say No”.


The Prom

The story of two girls who want to go to prom together, the PTA and town that tries to stop them and the four has-been actors who step in to try and help her (and themselves). This “smart and big-hearted” musical that “makes you believe in musical comedy again” has been nominated for 7 Tony awards including Best Musical. 


To Kill A Mockingbird

Aaron Sorkin. Jeff Daniels. What’s not to love? See the dramatic story of Scout, Jem, Atticus, Boo Radley, Tom Robinson and the rest come to life in a story that is at least as relevant today as when it was written. The subject matter is tough, so might want to leave the littles home for this one.



The quirky sleeper of the group, Hadestown tells the story of ill-fated lovers Orpheus and Eurydice from Greek mythology reimagined with a Great Depression-era post-apocalyptic setting. It’s a mouthful but give it a try. It’s one of those musicals that sneak up on you and then you can’t stop listening. 


Kiss Me, Kate!

Go see this revival quick. The run has been extended until June 30th and you don’t want to miss it. Starring Kelli O’Hara, (you remember her as Anna in The King and I), Will Chase and Corbin Bleu (of High School Musical fame), this story of battling spouses performing in a play about, wait for it… battling spouses has been updated for modern audiences. The music is by Cole Porter and did we mention the cast?