How to Plant Flowers in Pots

Spring has sprung and if you haven't gotten a flower garden going (and chances are you haven't because, really, who has time to plant a flower garden, anyway?), there's a simple solution to get your front steps, patio, or backyard dotted with your favorite flowers by the end of the week.

The trick? The almighty pot. In addition to being easy to use, pots are perfect for creating adding a pop of color and incorporating your own signature style, whether it's with flowers, plants, or a mix of both. Ready to get going? Follow designer extraordinaire Ryan Day's five pro tips to great pots. (And check out how ours are going above!)

Create Proper Drainage

Do this by placing a layer of stones at the bottom of the pot that should be about 4-to-10 inches in height depending on how deep the pot is. The stones will keep the soil from getting too compacted and allow water to drain through better. 

Keep it Fertilized

This one's hard to screw up. All you need to do is buy a good-quality soil with fertilizer and moisture control. Tell your local nursery staffer what types of plants or flowers you are planting and they'll be able to recommend the best type of fertilized soil for your project. As a rule, you'll probably need about one to two bags of soil per pot.


Create a Color Scheme

Love classic white? Bright pinks and reds? Leafy green plants?  Buy a variety of flowers and plants that fit within your color scheme and be sure to include flowers of varying heights. I like to put the tallest plants in the center of the pot and the shortest around the edge. For the Bergen Mama office pots, I went with whites, purple tones, and yellow, which worked well with the beautiful glazed pots I chose. If you're not a fan of flowers, feel free to plant a variety of herbs. They'll look lovely and come in handy when you need a little something for that summer recipe.

Mix It Up

Go with pots that complement each other but aren't exactly the same. I like to choose various shapes and sizes as well as different glaze colors to create interest.


Deter Deer

If you live in an area where deer are an issue, you'll need to treat your potted plants with a deer repellent spray. I think Deer Out works the best. It doesn't have an unpleasant odor, it's all-natural and it's derived from a variety of essential oils.

Like the plants and flowers in the pots I created for Bergen Mama? They include Dusty Miller, Angelonia, Celosia, Salvia, Nemesia, Lysimachia. Ask for them at your nursery and happy potting!

(all photos by Kyle Weller Photography)
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