Student Success Starts With Pre K at Saddle River Day School [dedicated]

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It has been said that entrepreneurs aren't born, they are made. For students, an entrepreneurial mindset teaches skills like creativity, organization, courage, humility, problem-solving, resilience, and critical thinking long before they're ever in a position to start or run a business. At Saddle River Day School, in Saddle River, New Jersey, the seeds of this mindset are planted in their youngest PreK - 4th grade students from the beginning. The school's focus on project-based learning is designed to start students on the path toward success from their earliest academic experience.


Students in the SRDS Lower School will experience a supported autonomy as they discover, conceptualize and solve problems. SRDS educators combine expert knowledge of their subject area with a commitment to provide students with the ability to make connections, question for deeper understanding, explore, explain, and learn.


Risk-taking is encouraged and resilience is emphasized at Saddle River Day School. Students are encouraged to participate using their established skill sets but are also challenged to tackle projects that are out of their comfort zone. Faculty and staff put this into practice through programs customized to supplement student learning in each grade. First graders participate in the development of a fictional restaurant, honing skills in math, science, and writing along the way. Third graders learn about the 50 states by becoming "travel agents" and experts on their chosen locales. Every child will contribute something unique based on their skills, talents and interests.


Saddle River Day School recognizes the interconnectedness of their community. Their vision is to teach students how to think, not what to think, and they work to ensure that even their youngest learners understand that when they work together, they work better. The commitment to support and develop individual strengths and teach students how to use them to contribute to a team is an essential part of the entrepreneurial mindset. It is at the heart of the Saddle River Day School mission to "educate each individual child so they can meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world with confidence and compassion."


For more information about this one-of-a-kind school and the philosophy that drives their Lower School curriculum, please join their OPEN HOUSE on Monday, Nov. 15th at 6:30 pm or Friday, Dec. 3rd at 10:00 am to learn more about the Early Childhood Program (PreK 3, 4 & K):