Saddle River Day School Welcomes Back Students With a New Approach (dedicated)

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Ready or not, here we go! It’s the start of the 2020-2021 school year and Saddle River Day School IS ready. After a summer spent in task force meetings, researching safety protocols and best practices, and carefully planning the return, SRDS opened its doors and welcomed students back onto campus for the first time since March (…the longest Spring Break in SRDS history!)

As the faculty, administrators and staff began planning for the fall reopening, the priority was not only to survive but to thrive in this difficult time. It was critical to maintain the expected level of academic rigor and excellence, continue to innovate in the ways they deliver instruction and that they construct a program that allowed for a nimble, seamless pivot to fully remote learning if that model once again became necessary (fingers crossed that it doesn’t).


The school's challenge was to ensure that they continue to serve the diverse needs of the SRDS family. It was important that all students and their families felt welcomed, safe and supported, whether planning an in person return to campus or a remote start, and to follow safety and health requirements set forth at the state and federal levels.


So, first they stepped up their technology game.  The school is now the proud owner of an upgraded, dedicated broadband line for the SRDS campus. This enabled the most impactful improvement, the installation of webcams, speakers and headsets for teachers. Students learning at home now have access to daily blended, synchronous learning that includes in-person and “live feed” instruction. In other words, remote students have been integrated into the classroom in a way that delivers the same lessons and instruction to every kid, regardless of location.  


Students returning in person might have a hard time recognizing certain parts of the campus. Every classroom, common area, gathering space and passageway has been evaluated and transformed as necessary to keep kids safe. But consideration was also given to how students would feel in these spaces. As often as possible, they tried to preserve the cheerfulness and warmth that have always made campus feel like the students’ second home. 


Then the moment arrived. The culmination of all the hard work and thought the SRDS family had poured into the plans for reopening came on Tuesday, September 1st, Orientation Day. Students arrived back on campus, followed new drop off protocols, had temperatures taken and their health checked and then spent the day getting reacquainted with each other and getting briefed on the “new normal”. The first day of classes for grades PreK – 12 was on September 2nd. There were snafus and a few “lessons learned” but a week in, they can officially say that the full, Monday – Friday class schedule has become fully operational.


There are many people who are responsible for this return to school.  The committed administration, faculty and staff who spent their summers educating themselves on technology, adjusting pedagogy and curriculum and keeping themselves healthy. The parents who have encouraged, supported and trusted school leadership. And the students who have proven their capabilities through resilience, patience and unflagging desire to make things better. This special group has shown the community what it means to thrive under difficult circumstances. The school is excited and guardedly optimistic about what this year will bring.

To learn more about Saddle River Day School and the programs the unique they offer schedule a visit by clicking here.

Saddle River Day School  
147 Chestnut Ridge Road, Saddle River


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