You Can Now Buy Your Christmas Tree on Amazon

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That Norman Rockwell-esque image of a family dragging a freshly chopped Christmas tree through a snowy field sure does look nice and all. But in reality? We’ve got a lot to do this holiday season and even just going down to Home Depot to pick one up is going to involve crowds, rope, and so much discussion about how to tie it to the car you’d think we were launching it into space. So, basically, as long as the thing makes it into the house, we really don’t care how it gets there.


And like nearly every problem presented in modern-day American society, the solution can be found via Amazon. This year the billion-dollar behemoth online retailer will be selling real live Christmas trees ranging in size and style and all sourced from a “U.S. family-owned farm.” A 3-to-4-foot Black Hills Spruce in a stand will run you $60, while a (standless) 6-to-7-foot Fraser Fir costs $110. There will also be live garland and wreaths available and – bonus! – Prime members will get free shipping as per usual and receive the trees about a week after the order is placed.

As for the decorating part, you’re on your own … though who knows what Amazon has up its sleeve for 2019.

Trees go on sale November 19 and are available for pre-order now on