Welcome to Bergen Mama’s New Look

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For 12 successful years, Bergen Mama has loved being a part of your Bergen County life, connecting with you, our loyal readers, on topics from the best new restaurants popping up in our area to parenting your tot to a teen. Like a fine wine, we're all growing and improving as we age, which is why we're so excited to share with you our updated look, while continuing to share useful content for mamas living in and around Bergen County.


Reflecting back over the last 20 months, during which our lives changed in unprecedented ways, it became more obvious than ever before that dads deserve a "tab" in our world, and we're hoping to help guide them with the best of Bergen as we have with their partners. With our refreshed look comes a section specifically for the rockstar guys of Bergen County in our lives, so we welcome them to check out our Bergen Dads tab starting today. Look out for articles in the coming weeks for moms and dads, as we're looking forward to connecting with the men-y amazing dads out there!


To say thank you, be on the lookout for a giveaway series for dads coming in November. In the meantime, thank you all for being such a loyal and inspirational audience. We appreciate you, Mamas!