Time is running out! Soon your teen will graduate from the juggling act of school, friends and sports to the big league reality show consisting of college life, real work, and giving back to her community. Is she ready? Are you ready?
Whether you’ve got years or months to prepare before your offspring leaves the nest, the Summer Program Expo on January 10 at Tenafly High School, run by The Camp Experts & Teen Summers can help steer teens (and moms) toward amazing skill-building flights and adventures. From travel programs to study abroad to college coursework, cultural immersion, outdoor adventure, and community service, there’s literally something for everyone. Come to the Expo, meet the directors, pick up DVDs and brochures, and check out hundreds of summer camps and programs worldwide geared for students in 6th – 12th grades.
Camp expert Debbie Rosen-Alfonso of The Camp Experts & Teen Summers is like your very own guidance counselor, guiding and advising you through all the choices. She’s visited hundreds of camps, knows the directors, can set up camp tours and help you find the perfect camp for your teen. Best of all, her services are FREE!
What are you waiting for? Your teen’s future begins now.
The Camp Experts & Teen Summers - Summer Program Expo
19 Columbus Drive
Tenafly, NJ
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
7:00PM - 9:00PM