Summer Camp Guide: Bergen County, New Jersey

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Passing your deep water test. Cheers that made your voice go hoarse. Snagging the lead role in the summer production of Annie.

Safe to say camp was your happy place. With so many summer camps near Bergen County to choose from how can you make sure it’s your childs’ happy place too? We break it down for you in our annual Great Big Summer Camp Guide.

Traditional Summer Day Camps:  Full days, a slew of activities, transportation, and swim instruction is the hallmark of these camps.

Art, Music and Dance Camps in Bergen County: Got a kid who loves to design and draw, dance or play music? These specialty camps hone skills and smiles.

Specialty Sports Camps in Bergen County: From Soccer to Tennis, Basketball and Golf, we’ve got a camp for your jr. athlete.

Farm and Nature Camps in Bergen County: Learn to Farm and Hike the Land at these nature inspired camps for the kid who loves the outdoors.

Educational and Specialty Camps in Bergen County: Want your kid to learn or hone a skill over the summer. Check out these educational and instructional based camps.


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