Play All Day (dedicated)

Play Spaces  / 

If only there were a multi-sport facility where youth of all ages could participate in year-round sports instruction and training, coached and mentored by adults who work to provide diverse communities of children with a positive and safe experience as they develop their skills and work to achieve their athletic potential. And if only it was in Bergen County. Well, holiday wishes really do come true because that’s exactly what The Fieldhouse in Northvale, New Jersey is. But if that’s not good enough for ya, how about the fact that The Fieldhouse offers holiday camps, after school clinics, birthday parties, and facility rentals for kids of all ages.

Here's the thing we sometimes forget – the kids don’t go back to school the day after Christmas. In fact, they’re off for a whole week after. What in the world are you going to do to keep them busy in the 2.5 hours of daylight we have at this time of year? Send them to The Fieldhouse school break camps, being offered Thursday, December 26th, Friday, December 27th, and Monday, December 30th. While you race around doing gift returns and exchanges, planning for the next holiday, restocking the fridge, and maybe sneaking in a little nap, your child will be entertained at The Fieldhouse with a variety of active, participatory games and sports. You can pick full day or half day options and, if you have more than one kiddo, The Fieldhouse offers sibling discounts. Snacks are provided, but you’ll need to send them with a lunch. Psst! While you’re at it, just go ahead and book some time for your kids during February Break and Spring Break as well. Your future self will thank you.

Oh, but you actually need your kid to practice their basketball so they can get more playing time this season? Or they need to get themselves in shape for the spring baseball or softball season? The Fieldhouse has 8-week sports clinics starting the first week of January that will give your kid the extra time and instruction they need to get themselves to the next level in their chosen sport.

And please let’s not forget the birthday parties (not that your kid will let you anyway). The Fieldhouse is the home of the $399 party which, after this holiday season, is music to any parent’s ears. Your kid will get to pick their favorite sport to play, and then will be thoroughly celebrated with pizza and cake. Enhanced parties include gamers’ tournaments, nerf wars, golf or baseball simulators, slime parties, cookie decorating, or arts and crafts. The Fieldhouse can even add on entertainment and party favors so parents really can just show up and enjoy, something our kids are super good at!

For more information about everything The Fieldhouse has to offer or to register or get quotes, please visit their website. The Fieldhouse is your one stop shop for fun and games for your kids and honestly, can’t we all use a little simplicity in our lives right now?