Y? Because We Like Camp (dedicated)

Camps  / 

There has to be a way to send your kid to a high quality, high fun summer camp without having to drain either their college savings or your retirement fund, right? Well, of course there is! It’s the YWCA Summer camp held right here in Mahwah in Bergen County, New Jersey.

The YWCamps are ACA-accredited programs, offering families an exceptional summer camp experience at a purposefully affordable rate for children aged 5 to 12 years. YWCamps serve as the perfect environment to forge new friendships, acquire new skills, and enhance self-confidence. Plus, and this is a really big plus, all of their activities seamlessly integrate language arts and math as a way to academically support campers and stop the brain drain that often happens throughout the summer months.

Your kid will be kept active with daily activities that include arts & crafts, nature exploration, theater & drama, field games, swimming, and water play. They’ll be outside, in the fresh air (and off their devices), all day, every day and they’ll be returned to you happy and tired, which is exactly the kind of summer we all want our kids to have!

YWCamp@Mahwah will be held from 8:30am – 5:00pm from Monday, June 23rd – Friday, August 22nd . You can decide which and how many weeks you want your kiddo to attend. Registration is open now and families who register and pay in full for at least 4 weeks of camp by February 21st will receive a 10% discount off the first four weeks of their registration. Please use promo code EARLY25 to receive this special early bird promotion.

YWCamp@Mahwah is located at 200 Midvale Mountain Road in Mahwah, New Jersey, but never fear, the YWCA offers bus service from multiple bus stop locations. These locations are: Dumont (Honiss Elementary School), Clifton (YWCA Northern New Jersey Office) NEW!, Hackensack (YWCA Northern New Jersey Office), Hoboken (Wallace Elementary School), Mahwah (Mahwah High School), Montclair (Montclair Art Museum) NEW!, Oradell (Oradell Elementary School), and Ridgewood (Orchard Elementary School). Please email campregistration@ywcannj.org with questions or to request more information. Then, sit back and watch the snow fall this winter while you dream of the carefree summer that’s right around the corner.


200 Midvale Mountain Road 

Mahwah, NJ 07430