Farmburbia: Gardening in a Snap

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Sometimes all it takes is a nudge for us to do something we’ve wanted to do for a long time, like starting a garden. We know the benefits. Working in the soil exposes us to new bacteria and improves our immunity. Food grown at home is fresher and more full of nutrients than the stuff we can buy at the grocery store. We get to work outside and expose our kids to fresh air, responsibility and the wonder of seeing a seed grow into a plant and then into dinner.


Then the buts start. But I don’t have the time. I don’t want the mess. I don’t know where to start. I don’t have the right equipment. I can’t seem to keep anything alive. So another growing season goes by, and we shake our heads as we trim the bruised parts off strawberries and buy herbs in plastic packages.


Enter Farmburbia, a full-service gardening company created to help gardeners and wannabe farmers build and maintain a garden customized to their needs and abilities. Owner and Chief Suburban Farmer Christopher Leishear spent his childhood on farms and in gardens and combines this experience with his love of the outdoors and his knowledge of carpentry to help you “bring a little of the farmyard to your backyard.”


For novice farmers, Farmburbia will be with you every step of the way. They’ll help determine the best size and location for your garden, level the soil, provide and install the beds, help with seed selection, advise you through the growing season and assist with the harvest.



For those afflicted with a chronically black thumb, Farmburbia provides consulting and offers individual and group coaching sessions that will turn that black thumb green.


For clients who love the idea of a garden but don’t have the time or don’t want the mess, Farmburbia offers full-service maintenance contracts. They can install your garden and then maintain it for you. All you have to do is wander out to your yard and pick what they grow.



If you have a garden but you’re tired of the wildlife in your neighborhood treating it as an all-you-can-eat buffet, Farmburbia can construct durable, long-lasting raised beds and planters that, when combined with fencing customized to your specific pest problems, will save your hard-earned crops for your family.


Want to give the soil in your garden a boost? Farmburbia can provide you with a three-bin compost system that will, with minimal effort or mess, yield enriched compost for your plants. Even better, if you want the compost without the work, Farmburbia will visit your home and maintain your compost bins for you.


Sound like exactly the service you’ve been hoping for? Good. So now you can stop staring at that empty patch in your yard and dreaming about sun-warmed tomatoes and fresh string beans off the vines. Just one more thing—we’ll be looking for that invitation to dinner come harvest time!


To learn more about Farmburbia, visit their website. Or, head to their tent at the brand-new Glen Rock Farmer’s Market held on Sundays from June 4 through October 15 from 10:00 am to  2:00 pm at Glen Rock Borough Hall.