Happy New You


The Bad News:  Despite reading EVERY column on “how to not gain 5 pounds over the holidays”, (you swear you only nibbled on the hors d’oevres at that last holiday party), your pants feel a little, um, snug. 

The Good News: Now that the holidays are behind you, there is no more required small talk with distant relatives or random office colleagues.  And you can finally get a parking spot at Garden State Plaza again.  Whew!

But that’s not all.  Remember all those resolutions you were making, champagne in hand on NYE?  You know, the ones when you swore off all complex carbs and your daily glass of vino until the dawn of 2012?  Yeah, those.  Well, we are here to make an honest woman out of you.  It’s time to make a fresh start. And by fresh we mean literally freshened up on the inside.  Kick it off with two great juice cleanses that can be delivered to your doorstep within a week’s notice. 

Cooler Cleanse They’re not here to espouse the benefits of juicing, like the fact that fresh pressed juices contain three to five times more enzymes than hand squeezed or store bought ones.  Or that embarking on a juice cleanse has been known to reduce sluggishness, give you a natural glow and get rid of baby brain.  Nope.  The people at cooler cleanse just provide short and functional juice cleansing programs delivered directly to you.  Simply choose a 3 or 5 day cleanse, pick your desired delivery date and you will receive a Fedex cooler on your doorstep.  You can also customize your selection, which is nice for those picky drinkers.  We tried (and actually loved) the young coconut water, carrot juice, and pear.  But of course we threw some green juice in there for good measure too. 
Cooler Cleanse
1-888-Coolers or order on-line
$60 per day for a custom cooler (includes sales tax)

BERGENMAMA SPECIAL:  Receive 20% Off your order through January 17th 2011
Enter Promo Code BERGENMAMA at checkout

Blue Print Cleanse Are you a beginner, intermediate or advanced juicer?  Read a brief description of each and decide.  Depending on your level, Blueprint will send you a customized cleanse with more or less “green juice” when you order a 3 or 5 day cleanse.  And for those of you who are commitment phobic, there is a “Juice Til’ Dinner” option which includes raw food in the package.  Our favorites? The PineApple Mint and Cashew Milk.  Drink up and enjoy.
BluePrint Cleanse (BPC)
212-414-5741 or order on-line
$85 per day (includes tax and delivery)

Stay tuned for BPC promo code in February from BergenMama

DIY Solution
So you’ve cleansed and you love it.  Safe to say you’re addicted.  You want to make fresh juices for your kids, your in-laws and whoever else pops in for a visit (including your landscaper and his team of workers).  How about bringing it in-house and ordering a juicer?  Our hands down favorite is the Breville Juice Fountain Elite ($287.95 at Amazon.com), but the economical Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Pro 67650 still has a place in our hearts ($73.96 at Amazon.com)

So we’ve laid it out for you; a virtual roadmap to keeping at least one of your resolutions.  Because we wouldn’t want you reneging on any of your promises, that wouldn’t be cool.  So order up a juice cleanse and get going.
BM (Your main squeeze)


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